[Bound Magic Series] Fate Forged: a three year journey

I’m thrilled to announce that my debut novel Fate Forged (Bound Magic Series Book 1), will be published by Red Adept Publishing in Fall 2018.

Did you know that most stories have three acts? The setup, the conflict and the resolution. Well, it’s been a three-year journey from inception of the Lost Sect to signing the publishing contract. It all started with an idea about a woman who had got stuck with magic she couldn’t handle, and no one to trust but an antagonistic ally (who becomes more).




Act 1: Learning how to write. The first year was all about really learning the mechanics of writing. I learned how many words are in a chapter and how many pages in a novel. I taught myself about motivation-reaction units, character development models, and novel plotting. I researched the hero’s journey, three act story arcs and pacing. My google searches were full of highly suspicious weapons terms. Perhaps most importantly, I learned that I’m not a ‘seat of the pantser’ and I must draft out my story or pay for it later. Because of that, I’ve learned to “write loosely” because inspiration will strike after the fact, requiring lots and lots of re-writes and cutting out entire chapters. Honestly, I loved every second of it.

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Act 2: Learning how to write better. The second year was about refining the first draft. I found amazing online communities to swap critiques and reviews with. The folks at scribophile.com were my first beta readers. I learned how to be a good editor for others, and how to have a thick skin. I only had one person tell me they’d rather pull out their own  fingernails than read that first draft of my first chapter again. (True story! It was over-the-top mean, but honestly… he was right). I found online FB groups and critique partners. I spend countless hours reading other’s manuscripts and providing detailed feedback, so they would read mine with the same care and detail.



Act 3: Learning how to get published. I’m not gonna lie, this one sucks. It’s not nearly as fun as writing. I learned about the difference between agents, editors, publishers and self-publishing. I drafted (and re-drafted and re-re-drafted) query letters and my synopsis, and that critically important first chapter. I internet stalked agents and submitted some truly awful queries, which –surprise– didn’t get me an agent. I participated in twitter pitch parties and generally suffered through about 40 rejections from agents (and one publishing offer I’m glad I turned down). It was hard not to lose faith in myself and my story. FINALLY, I decided to research high-quality publishers, got a few recommendations, and found a home for my novel with Red Adept Publishing.

So there you are… the three-year journey of my novel. Each one of those acts could really be a post of it’s own. I loved learning the mechanics every step of the way. So much so that I started on book 2 in the series before this one had a contract!

Year four will be the year of marketing. Fate Forged will be published in Fall of 2018, and that gives me a full year to learn the get the word out. This new website, my author Facebook page and so much more to come… I’m so excited to learn it all, and so grateful for all of you who are along for the journey.


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